Kinesiology Foundation & Practitioner/Diploma Courses in London and Tunbridge Wells

Annie has over 20 years experience in Kinesiology and Acupuncture, and is an approved KA Kinesiology Foundation and Diploma teacher, she also teaches Acupuncture at the College of Chinese Medicine London.
Annie brings her deep knowledge and understanding of Chinese Five Element Theory and Acupuncture points and meridians along with her nutritional knowledge and clinical experience to her Kinesiology teaching. Annie Jenkins is a qualified Diploma level Kinesiologist and combines her many therapies in her busy practices in London, Sussex and Kent. She also lectures at The College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in London and is a qualified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner as well as being fully trained in many other complementary therapies. Annie has over twenty years of clinical experience.

Kinesiology K.A. DIP and Certified Foundation Course Teacher – Acupuncture MAcS – Chinese Herbal Medicine MPCHM – Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture LCTA – Bowen Technique – Foot Health Care S.A.C. FHPT. FHTT – Indian Head Massage IHHT – Holistic Massage IHHT – Reflexology SSR – Aromatherapy IHHT – Reiki.
Advanced Active IQ Level 3 Award in Education and Training.
Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement.
KA Assessor.